This site is PG-13 For stong language,mild sexual content,mild violence If you are *easily* offended by: lesbian subtext,your favorite character being slain or anyone digging on the character except what you've seen on television. So enjoy this twisted journey and enjoy these short crossover fan fictions These are short stories,some will have an ending and some will be left to the imagination!This site is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED!! Writer: Lauryn2000 In New York City
Witchblade Series Quote Of The Week: "Don't get wet Bowman, I'm just looking for something." Sara Pezzini |
What's New in Crossover Fan Fiction Universe
Completed Short: Gabrielle falls for another woman Xena who?Currently Under Construction: What happens when Diana Prince "Wonder Woman" meets up with Xena:Warrior Princess? Currently Under Construction: Sara Pezzini must stop Callisto's reign of terror in the Village Special guest appearance by Elektra:Assassin Coming Soon: Buffy needs Mulder and Scully's help in tracking down... Willow and Tara,who have turned to the powers of darkness to cause havoc in Sunnydale Coming Soon: "A Call To Arms" Elektra and Sara Pezzini team-up against Wonder Woman and the Amazons With a special guest appearance by Hawkgirl of the Justice League! Who is Sara Pezzini? NYPD detective Sara Pezzini is the wielder of the Witchblade, a supernatural weapon of the strongest female psyche of an era. Sara believes in human justice, but increasingly she faces situations that the American judicial system is ill-equipped to handle. When a gun and a badge aren't enough for the job, Sara counts on the power of the Witchblade. Witchblade Vol.1,Issue 47 Top Cow Image Comics
"Running down the street being a detective in a metal bra,I would not buy that" Yancy Butler on why the comic book version of Sara Pezzini's outfit is different on television Toronto Sun June 2001 |
Witchblade Weekly Updates!
Latest news on the Witchblade TNT television series Yancy Butler is Sara Pezzini The next in line to wield the blade! Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror SATURN AWARDs 2002 WINNER: BEST TV ACTRESS YANCY BUTLERWho is Yancy Butler? Yancy Butler 

Xena:Warrior Princess
 Tom's Xena Page 

All crossover fan fiction @Copyright Protected May not be reproduced without permission.All photographs and characters Are owned by TNT & Top Cow Comics Marvel Comics & DC comics 20th Century Fox And whoever owns the rights to Xena..now No infringement intended If you plan to sue Gag me now and bury me in the backyard!