Wanna contact me with any Witchblade Series Information or Scoops!!
lauryn99@collegeclub.com Do not send me SPAM!!

Hail To The King:Bruce Campbell
Now,that the foolish X-Files has come to an end,I will be able to focus more on the Witchblade TNT Series I've been an X-philer until the beginning of season nine and realized what a mess this show had become. I should have stopped watching after season six. I'm seeking therapy now for what Chris Carter has done to that show. Which is why I will not do Witchblade recaps and episode,blah,blah,blah. This site is purely for updates on the series and actor/actresses that appear on the show. It's good to enjoy watching Yancy Butler play,Sara Pezzini She just made watching sci-fi fun again! Though my true love is Buffy The Vampire Slayer,and the beheaded..oops belated Xena(season 1-3.5),which went horribly wrong by season four-five. Witchblade has potential,with a little more tweaking and please no more "it never really happened" plots, this series could end up being a serious contender down the road. Also,I have found my childhood once again by reading Justice League,Wonder Woman,DareDevil and Elektra comic books But it's always good to see more women in the lead role kicking ass on television! Buffy The Vampire Slayer Xena:Warrior Princess WitchbladeI'm also trying my hand in fanfiction which is a hell lot harder than what it seems. You won't find any erotica,xXx here,that's not my style plus you'd be better off visiting another site than reading my attempt at writing one because in the end you'll end up seeking therapy. September 11,2001 We will never forget!
 I'm a former U.S Army Engineer(81C10) and was stationed with the 584th Engineer Bn The Dirty Thirty Ft.Belvoir,Va 1986-1991 And was a Deputy Sheriff Army Nickname:Little Bit Because I'm only 5'1 and 115 pounds I'm now a professional photographer when I'm not enjoying sci-fi shows during my off hours and enjoying the view of Manhattan...... P.S, I shot the photo of Bruce Campbell a few years ago. Probably one of the friendlist (B)actors out there. Much love goes out to the men and women of the NYPD and FDNY When New Yorkers were running away to safety, they were running into danger. Lauryn |